Thursday, January 29, 2009

Guest Starring Chloe Clark

I periodically log into Chloe's email to dump some of the spam she gets and came across this. It made me wonder what the 1st email must have been like. I thought it was too cute not to share. Disney Channel better get on the ball!

dear disney
you still havent ansewred my question about me being a guest star.
my house number is 802-3842
my mom's cell phone number is 302-9120
my dad's cell phone number is 308-2201
colette clark


Anonymous said...

no way!!!!!!

Mrs. Smong said...

Ohhh how I just love this kid !!! Reminds me of the era when she use to think that the sun rose and set with her Uncle Rob ... "Uncle Rob you're #1"

Ohhh how I wish we lived closer to you guys : (

Mr. Smong said...

that is one of the best things I've read in a long time.

Erica said...

my heart swells with love :)